The Mug Issue

In 2022, we sold a lot of mugs, which was good and bad.

It was good because we were able to donate a lot of money from the sale of mugs.

But it was bad because we realized that all of the mugs were made in China, and the Chinese government was backing the russians.

That made us think a lot about what we were doing, and where the money we were spending on production was going. While it was great that we could donate money from the sale of our products, it felt equally important that the money we spent on production was either spent in Ukraine or with Ukraine’s partners.

Frankly, it was an easy decision. We decided to stop selling mugs.

We decided that wherever we could, for all of our products, from the raw material, to the trims, to the packaging, to the shipping company that delivers our cargos, we only wanted to work with suppliers in Ukraine or operating in countries that were supportive of Ukraine. The goal was to bring the maximum impact of our work into the right hands.

Of course, the journey to get to that point hasn’t been easy. It’s actually been really, really hard to find all the suppliers at the level of quality we want to deliver to you. In the specific case of the mugs, we haven’t sold mugs in over a year because we hadn’t been able to find the right partners, until now!

We’re super happy to bring you these ceramic mugs, hand made in Ukraine by local craftsmen.

These mugs are 100% Ukrainian.  

The raw material is Ukrainian, the design is Ukrainian, the craftsmanship is Ukrainian, the packaging is Ukrainian and even the shipping company delivering them to us is Ukrainian.

We are making these kinds of changes all across the spectrum of products we’ve offered since we started on February 16th, 2022. Saint Javelin has evolved so much since then, and we continue to evolve everyday into something much better, much more sustainable, much longer lasting, and more effective overall.

Karpaty collection is finally out, you can shop it here!

We hope you’ll come along for the ride as we continue to build something special.

Thank you for all your support.

Slava Ukraini.


  • Alexander Gilmore

    Great choice & these mugs are way better than the Chinese crap! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦✌️

  • norma

    Wow. These are not coffee mugs. They are works of art!!!! Beautiful. 💯 support this decision. Wish everyone would be so consistently ethical. Slava Ukraïni

  • Robert Krill

    I’m a 100% blue and yellow blooded Ukrainian and have supported Saint Javelin since its inception. Since the first day of this insane war I have flown the Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦 at our home. I wear my Ukrainian made hoodies, hats, tees and belt buckle with pride. Can’t wait to add the new mugs to my collection. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  • Gina M Betti


  • Pam Veckungs

    Love the new mug designs! Ukrainians – ever the innovators. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

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