PlaceholderPlaceholderSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
PlaceholderPlaceholderSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNKSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNKSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNKSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNKSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNKSteel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK

Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK



Saint Javelin давно прагнув до співпраці з українським брендом, власником якого є військовослужбовець. Це бачення стало реальністю з RBTNK , брендом аксесуарів, заснованим Йорданом Константідіні , українським фронтовим медиком, чию історію опублікував Saint Javelin минулого року. Кожен Steel Tag відображає вашу солідарність у спільній боротьбі. Покликаний символізувати визначальні якості українців на полі бою: Точний у дії. Вірний у душі. Невблаганний у боротьбі. У цій кампанії беруть участь троє діючих солдатів із бригади Хартія — кожен із них є свідченням мужності, рішучості та жертовності. Знайомтесь, 30-річний Роман («Тренер»), 49-річний Михайло («Озеро») та 46-річний Олександр («Кабан») — троє бійців бригади «Хартія», які колись жили в Харкові. Коли війна підійшла до їхнього порогу, вони відмовилися залишитися осторонь. Сьогодні вони служать із непохитною рішучістю, керуючись єдністю та знаючи, за що саме вони борються. До повномасштабного вторгнення Росії всі троє жили в Харкові, не маючи попереднього військового досвіду. Але коли в їхнє місто прийшла війна, вони відмовилися залишитися осторонь. Вони приєдналися до Хартії, коли вона була ще просто добровольчим батальйоном, сформованим із цивільних, які бажали воювати за свій дім і свою країну. Одягнувши один із цих сталевих жетонів Saint Javelin x RBTNK, ви вшановуєте рішучість захисників України та несете частинку їхнього незламного духу. Кожна підвіска ретельно виготовлена ​​— як і рішучість тих, хто її надихає. Дякуємо, що підтримуєте нас, що підтримуєте їх і допомагаєте ділитися зі світом їхніми історіями доблесті. Залишайтеся невпинними, залишайтеся вірними, залишайтеся точними. Рекомендації по догляду: Обмежень у догляді за сталлю небагато - вона не боїться ні води, ні сонця, ні ворогів.

24 x 34 mm

60 cm chain

Tag made on machined stainless steel with a matte effect.


Chain made of stainless medical steel.

There are not many restrictions when caring for steel - it's not afraid of water, sun or enemies.

Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK



Delivery straight from Ukraine

Shipped out within 2-5 days

By wearing one of these Saint Javelin x RBTNK steel tokens, you honor the determination of Ukraine’s defenders and carry a piece of their indomitable spirit. Each pendant is meticulously crafted—just like the resolve of those who inspire it.

Each Steel Tag reflects your solidarity in the fight together.

Saint Javelin has long sought to collaborate with a Ukrainian brand owned by an active-duty serviceman. This vision became a reality with RBTNK, an accessories brand founded by Iordan Konstantidini, a Ukrainian frontline medic whose story has been featured by Saint Javelin last year.

This campaign features three active-duty soldiers from the Khartia Brigade each of them a testament to courage, determination, and sacrifice.

Meet Roman, 30, (“Coach”), Mykhailo, 49, (“Ozero”), and Oleksandr, 46, (“Kaban”)—three soldiers from the Khartia Brigade who once led everyday lives in Kharkiv. When war came to their doorstep, they refused to stand aside. Today, they serve with unwavering resolve, guided by unity and the knowledge of exactly what they’re fighting for.

Before Russia’s full-scale invasion, all three lived in Kharkiv, with no prior military experience. But when war came to their city, they refused to stand aside. They joined Khartia when it was still just a volunteer battalion, formed by civilians willing to fight for their home and their country.

By wearing one of these Saint Javelin x RBTNK steel tokens, you honor the determination of Ukraine’s defenders and carry a piece of their indomitable spirit. Each pendant is meticulously crafted—just like the resolve of those who inspire it.

Thank you for standing with us, for standing with them, and for helping share their stories of valor with the world.

Stay Relentless, Stay Loyal, Stay Precise.

24 x 34 mm

60 cm chain

Tag made on machined stainless steel with a matte effect.


Chain made of stainless medical steel.

There are not many restrictions when caring for steel - it's not afraid of water, sun or enemies.

Relentless in a fight.

Designed to symbolize the defining quality of Ukrainians on the battlefield:


20% donation

Made in Ukraine

Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK
Steel Tag “Loyal” - Saint Javelin x RBTNK

Made in Ukraine

Our goal is to support Ukraine 'till victory and beyond!


20% of revenue donated to support ukraine

The funds will be split equally between two causes: the Patronage Service of the Khartia Brigade and the medical service of the 82nd Separate Air Assault Brigade.

20% of sales will be donated to support Ukraine’s defenders.

The funds will be split equally between two causes: the Patronage Service of the Khartia Brigade, which provides comprehensive support to soldiers and their families, and the medical service of the 82nd Separate Air Assault Brigade, where Iordan Konstantidini, founder of RBTNK, serves as a medic.




Tag made on machined stainless steel with a matte effect.


Chain made of stainless medical steel.




24 x 34 mm

60 cm chain

defender models are also wearing




"On the front, you see loyalty in those who save your life, just as you’d save theirs. War reveals new sides of who we are, and for me, it only deepened my love for my country. I thought I couldn’t be more of a patriot—but I was wrong. We will win, and with the pain and blood we’ve endured, we’ll rebuild not just our land, but a stronger, united, and loyal nation."

  • Mykhailo, 49, callsign “Ozero”

Words From Our Defenders

"The courage of warriors and precise leadership are the keys to success on the front line. Without coordination between units, sheer human will alone won’t be enough to win."

  • Oleksandr, 46, callsign “Kaban”

"Being sent to the front was, in a way, easier than training. Out there, it’s just you and the enemy. Physically, it’s brutal. You fall asleep on your feet. Death can come at any second. There were times when a sniper nearly took me out. Fighting off an assault in pouring rain, standing in water, frozen to the bone. Yet, you push forward—relentless, because you know exactly what you're fighting for."

  • Roman, 30, callsign “Coach”

Behind the Collab

"The reason Saint Javelin exists as a brand is to continue to provide support to Ukrainians in whatever way we can. It’s really important to me to work with talented Ukrainians like Iordan and his brand RBTNK so we can help them reach people around their world with their products, and support their units. When I saw the products Iordan was making, all while he works as a combat medic for his military, I knew immediately that we wanted to collaborate"

- Christian Borys


EDC stands for "Every Day Carry" - it refers to the items and gear that someone carries with them on a daily basis. In the context of military-style backpacks, an EDC pack is designed to carry your essential daily items and typically has features like:

  • Multiple compartments for organization

  • Quick-access pockets

  • MOLLE webbing for attaching additional pouches/gear

  • Durable materials (like the 1000D nylon we just discussed)

  • Comfortable straps for daily wear

  • Usually smaller than full tactical packs (often 20-30L capacity)

The outer measurements of the backpack are: It's 255mm x 445mm x 210mm.

The inside of the backpack features a 26 litre capacity, which is approx. 6.9 gallons.

Absolutely. The EDC backpack is carry-on approved.

It is! While it's not completely waterproof, the EDC backpack is made from tough 1000D nylon with a 300D 145g/m² PU-coated lining for extra durability. 1000D is very thick and heavy-duty (for comparison, a typical dress shirt might be around 60-80D). This makes it highly resistant to water and abrasion. It is also PU-coated, which makes it water-resistant, adds extra durability and helps protect whatever is inside.

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